Play Full General Luna in Best Video Format.
Now you can play full General Luna in best look with duration 118 Min and has been aired on 2015-09-09 with MPAA rating is 4.- Original Title : Heneral Luna
- Movie title in your country : General Luna
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Action, Drama, History, War,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-09-09
- Companies of movie : Artikulo Uno Productions,
- Countries of movie : Philippines,
- Language of movie : English, ,
- Durationof movie : 118 Min
- Average vote of movie : 9
- Youtube ID of movie : I_T1ykhy3Fg
- Translation of movie : EN,
- Actors of movie :Ketchup Eusebio (Pedro Janolino), Bing Pimentel (Doña Laureana Luna), Anthony Falcon (Sgt. Diaz), Marc Abaya (Younger Antonio Luna), Arron Villaflor (Joven Hernando), Xandra Rocha (Party Lady), Lorenz Martinez (Tomas Mascardo), Mon Confiado (Pres. Emilio Aguinaldo), Mylene Dizon (Isabel), Ronnie Lazaro (Lt. Garcia), Jeffrey Quizon (Apolinario Mabini), Allan Paule (Juan Luna), Arthur Acuña (Manuel Bernal), John Arcilla (Heneral Antonio Luna), Dennis Marasigan (Costales), Alvin Anson (Jose Alejandrino), Leo Martinez (Pedro Paterno), Archie Alemania (Capt. Eduardo Rusca), Noni Buencamino (Felipe Buencamino), Paulo Avelino (Gregorio Del Pilar), Joem Bascon (Paco Roman), Alex Vincent Medina (Jose Bernal), Julia Enriquez (Nurse)
Movie summary of General Luna :
Download full General Luna in Top Quality with movie summary "A Filipino general who believes he can turn the tide of battle in the Philippine-American war. But little does he know that he faces a greatest threat to the country's revolution against the invading Americans." in high quality. Free General Luna in High Definition Format by clicking the download link.
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Writer : Henry Francia, Writer : E.A. Rocha, Director : Jerrold Tarog, Writer : Jerrold Tarog
Of course, now you can watch movie of General Luna entirely length and acquire the connection to this video General Luna in high quality.
Tags: philippines, philippine history, pinoy, period drama,
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